You can repeat the same patterns

Or you can make a big shift

Why are you struggling to set boundaries? Why is perfectionism and anxiety running your life? Why does managing your stress levels feel so hard? Why does it feel like your one step away from burning out from achieving your goals?

The answer isn’t working harder, it’s working smarter (as the business gurus say). You’ve been doing life one way for a long time, and it’s time to break up the patterns, behaviors and coping strategies that are holding you back, not moving you forward.

 Your mindset… preventing that ambitious overthinking. 

 Your relationships… allowing yourself the space to create meaningful, lasting ones.

 Your emotions… eliminating the rollercoaster of stress, anxiety, and perfectionism.

 Your future… defining your goals and how you can get there, sustainably.

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Just as you take care of your physical health, you need to take care of your mental health in the same way.

This is an educational monthly membership program that teaches you strategies for managing your mind, your emotions and your relationships in healthy, productive ways so you can be successful in the real world.

Learning and implementing healthy living strategies can be hard

Whether it’s anxiety, perfectionism, people pleasing or hard relationships, without the right tools, these things can hold us back from truly becoming who we are meant to be. We need active support, and education to learn new ways of managing our minds while continuing on the road to being successful.

Your Journey starts here

With a supportive community of people that are tired of being unhealthy, unhappy and unwhole and are ready for the transformation journey.

  • Monthly workshops for managing your mind and emotions. (All workshops are recorded so you can watch them at any time).
  • Access to the Mental Health Remix Membership site
  • Engagement with the clubs community
  • Worksheets you can put into your very own customized workbook
  • Affirmations and mindset challenges to keep you moving forward.
  • Journal prompts to help you process feelings and emotions as they come up
  • Discounts on events where you can meet other members

Every month I add new content to the Mental Health Club library, but here are some example topics I cover:


How to get what you need from your relationships and stop the takers from taking

Stress Management

Discover tried-and-tested techniques to reduce and manage your stress

Healthy Mindset

Learn how to think and feel confident even in the midst of criticism and self-doubt

Healthy relationships

Learn the fundamentals of building and keeping healthy relationships

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